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Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2008 02:48:21 +0200 From: Subject: Eskrima digest, Vol 15 #146 - 4 msgs X-Mailer: Mailman v2.0.13.cisto1 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain To: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.13.cisto1 Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-Reply-To: List-Unsubscribe: , List-Id: Eskrima-FMA discussion forum, the premier FMA forum on the Internet. List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.3 required=5.0 tests=NO_REAL_NAME autolearn=no version=2.63 X-Spam-Level: Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: Send Eskrima mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Eskrima digest..." <<---- The Sudlud-Inayan Eskrima/Kali/Arnis/FMA mailing list ---->> Serving the Internet since June 1994. Copyright 1994-2008: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource The Internet's premier discussion forum devoted to Filipino Martial Arts. 2600 members. Provided in memory of Mangisursuro Michael G. Inay (1944-2000). See the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) FAQ and the online search engine for back issues of the Eskrima/FMA digest at Mabuhay ang eskrima! Today's Topics: 1. Re: Who's The Master..?? (Marc MacYoung) 2. Who's The Master..?? (Talibung Antike) 3. RE: Who's The Master..?? (Lito Argallon) 4. Re: Re: Who's The Master..?? (Ray) --__--__-- Message: 1 From: "Marc MacYoung" To: Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 18:14:32 -0600 Organization: No Nonsense Self-Defense Subject: [Eskrima] Re: Who's The Master..?? Reply-To: > I'm just expressing my opinions and feelings on > the Ranks and promotions other > people brag about and say they deserve. This is > the claims that one can call > himself Guro or Master by just taking a few > lessons and then teaching > others...This in my opinion is fraud and > disrespect for the art. You may want to take a look at this. It's a predicition as to which way the martial arts are going -- especially commercialized MA. M --__--__-- Message: 2 Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 08:31:40 -0700 (PDT) From: Talibung Antike Subject: [Eskrima] Who's The Master..?? To: Cc: JAutajay , NT Javellana , iririmawtatun moderator , GM Jorge Penafiel , James Jr Sy , "Mert. Al tares" Reply-To: Lito, I am from the province of Antique, Philippines. A "kasimanwa" (fellow Antiqueo /provincemate) of the great Antiqueo GM Angel Cabales (Cabales Serrada) who was one of the great Filipinos that brought Eskrima to  the  United States and to the world.  "KUDOS" to your keen and candid observation regarding the corrupt commercialism that crept into FMA more so the careless use of inappropriate ranks and titles specially in FMA... a disgrace to FMA and the true blooded practitioners who are faithfully following the tradition and martial arts journey of our great Filipino forebears" ...anyhow, take note, there are still Antiqueos and Eskrimadores here in the Philippines who are preserving and perpetuating the growth of "Classical FMA" not for RECOGNITION, FAME, POWER, & MONEY... but as a WAY OF LIFE... not just a LIVING." with all my respect and praise! "Talibung Antike" Uno-Blanco Eskrima System Iloilo City Philippines "the corrupt commercialism that most of us real practioners see. Most of the "Masters"/"Guros" that appear out of no where and sell these videos and promise higher ranks through correspondent courses or people who pay for their so called Rank....You are NOT guros or masters..You are Fakers......" --- On Fri, 6/6/08, Lito Argallon <> wrote: From: Lito Argallon <> Subject: [Eskrima] Who's The Master..?? To: Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:39 PM Greetings fellow enthusiasts and Practioners. My name is Lito and I have been practicing Esrkima for about 18 years give or take a few vacations.=)....I started training during my High School years in Stockton, CA with my friends and their family along with participating in the local tournaments and few regional's. Basically fun stuff.. As most know Stockton is a popular place for the FMA. Bahala Na, Stockton Eskrima club ( Cabales Serrada ) and other notable systems and people come from there. I'm just expressing my opinions and feelings on the Ranks and promotions other people brag about and say they deserve. This is the claims that one can call himself Guro or Master by just taking a few lessons and then teaching others...This in my opinion is fraud and disrespect for the art. This is probably due to the corrupt commercialism that most of us real practioners see. Most of the "Masters"/"Guros" that appear out of no where and sell these videos and promise higher ranks through correspondent courses or people who pay for their so called Rank....You are NOT guros or masters..You are Fakers...... Even the REAL Masters don't label themselves. These are the men that we learn from and hope to become. These are the REAL Eskrimadors, Arnisadors, and Kalistas who have proven themselves and their art in Battle and bleed for their beliefs in honor of their art and reputation. People can say this and say that claim this and claim that. Produce useless paper degrees and fancy colored belts....The True Practioners have no use for these silly Ranks and titles...Prove it.!!..Thats our saying......Live the art and be the art.....This is how it was and should be.... For those who truly respect the art and practice...My regards and respect to you.!! Lito... _________________________________________________________________ Its easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through Windows Live Messenger. Learn how. _______________________________________________ Eskrima mailing list, 2600 members Copyright 1994-2008: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource Standard disclaimers apply Subscribe or Unsubscribe: --__--__-- Message: 3 From: Lito Argallon To: Subject: RE: [Eskrima] Who's The Master..?? Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 10:51:22 -0700 Reply-To: Thanks for your input. My family comes from Panay, Iloilo...Its always a pleasure to meet a fellow Illonggo who practices... Lito Argallon> Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 08:31:40 -0700> From:> Subject: [Eskrima] Who's The Master..??> To:> CC:;;;;;> > Lito,> > I am from the province of Antique, Philippines. A "kasimanwa" (fellow> Antiqueo /provincemate) of the great Antiqueo GM Angel Cabales (Cabales> Serrada) who was one of the great Filipinos that brought Eskrima to > the  United States and to the world. > > "KUDOS" to your keen and candid observation regarding the corrupt> commercialism that crept into FMA more so the careless use of inappropriate> ranks and titles specially in FMA... a disgrace to FMA and the true blooded> practitioners who are faithfully following the tradition and martial arts> journey of our great Filipino forebears" ...anyhow, take note, there are still> Antiqueos and Eskrimadores here in the Philippines who are preserving and> perpetuating the growth of "Classical FMA" not for RECOGNITION, FAME, POWER,> & MONEY... but as a WAY OF LIFE... not just a LIVING."> > with all my respect and praise!> > "Talibung Antike"> Uno-Blanco Eskrima System> Iloilo City Philippines> > > "the corrupt commercialism that most of us real> practioners see. Most of the "Masters"/"Guros" that appear out of no where> and> sell these videos and promise higher ranks through correspondent courses or> people who pay for their so called Rank....You are NOT guros or masters..You> are Fakers......"> > --- On Fri, 6/6/08, Lito Argallon <> wrote:> From: Lito Argallon <>> Subject: [Eskrima] Who's The Master..??> To:> Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:39 PM> > Greetings fellow enthusiasts and Practioners.> > My name is Lito and I have been practicing Esrkima for about 18 years give or> take a few vacations.=)....I started training during my High> School years in> Stockton, CA with my friends and their family along with participating in the> local tournaments and few regional's. Basically fun stuff..> > As most know Stockton is a popular place for the FMA. Bahala Na, Stockton> Eskrima club ( Cabales Serrada ) and other notable systems and people come> from there.> > I'm just expressing my opinions and feelings on the Ranks and promotions> other> people brag about and say they deserve. This is the claims that one can call> himself Guro or Master by just taking a few lessons and then teaching> others...This in my opinion is fraud and disrespect for the art.> > This is probably due to the corrupt commercialism that most of us real> practioners see. Most of the "Masters"/"Guros" that appear> out of no where and> sell these videos and promise higher ranks through correspondent courses or> people who pay for their so called Rank....You are NOT guros or> masters..You> are Fakers......> > Even the REAL Masters don't label themselves. These are the men that we> learn> from and hope to become. These are the REAL Eskrimadors, Arnisadors, and> Kalistas who have proven themselves and their art in Battle and bleed for> their beliefs in honor of their art and reputation.> > People can say this and say that claim this and claim that. Produce useless> paper degrees and fancy colored belts....The True Practioners have no use for> these silly Ranks and titles...Prove it.!!..Thats our saying......Live the> art> and be the art.....This is how it was and should be....> > For those who truly respect the art and practice...My regards and respect to> you.!!> Lito...> _________________________________________________________________> Its easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through> Windows> Live Messenger. Learn> how.>> _______________________________________________> Eskrima mailing list, 2600 members>> Copyright 1994-2008: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource> Standard disclaimers apply> Subscribe or Unsubscribe:> _______________________________________________> Eskrima mailing list, 2600 members >> Copyright 1994-2008: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource> Standard disclaimers apply> Subscribe or Unsubscribe: _________________________________________________________________ Its easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through Windows Live Messenger. Learn how. --__--__-- Message: 4 From: Ray To: Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Re: Who's The Master..?? Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 11:44:21 -0700 Reply-To: A master is one that is called that by others. He/she doesn't use that term when referring to themself, imho. One thing I like... People like Cacoy do not say, "my name is Grandmaster Canete". It is just, "my name is Cacoy". And if he isn't a Grandmaster then who in FMA is? One thing I dislike... There is a little fellow that calls himself a Grandmaster. He got as far as angle 6 (of 12) when he studied under Angel. Yet now he is grandmaster, in his own mind. Ray Terry --__--__-- _______________________________________________ Eskrima mailing list Subscribe or Unsubscribe: Old digest issues @ Copyright 1994-2008: Ray Terry,, Standard disclaimers apply. Remember September 11. End of Eskrima Digest