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Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 16:19:03 -0800 From: Subject: Eskrima digest, Vol 11 #51 - 10 msgs X-Mailer: Mailman v2.0.13.cisto1 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain To: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.13.cisto1 Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-Reply-To: X-Subscribed-Address: List-Id: Eskrima-FMA discussion forum, the premier FMA forum on the Internet. List-Post: List-Subscribe: , List-Unsubscribe: , List-Help: Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: Send Eskrima mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Eskrima digest..." <<---- The Sudlud-Inayan Eskrima/Kali/Arnis/FMA mailing list ---->> Serving the Internet since June 1994. Copyright 1994-2004: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource The Internet's premier discussion forum devoted to Filipino Martial Arts. 1800 members. Provided in memory of Mangisursuro Michael G. Inay (1944-2000). See the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) FAQ and the online search engine for back issues of the Eskrima/FMA list at Mabuhay ang eskrima! Today's Topics: 1. Re: Knife DVD's (Patrick Davies) 2. Help! This may not work Re: Padded Sticks ( 3. RE: SoftStix ( 4. Silat Zulfikari (Stovall, Craig) 5. Re: Re: Knife DVD's (Phil Elmore) 6. Re: the rules (Todd Ellner) 7. RE: Actionflex and Softstix (Fred O) 8. Re: Action Flex (Ric Gardea) 9. The Goliath (Ray Terry) 10. Cold Steel's DVD's (Ron Balicki) --__--__-- Message: 1 Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:28:52 -0000 From: "Patrick Davies" To: Subject: [Eskrima] Re: Knife DVD's Reply-To: I notice on the review that the underlying training comes from Filipino, Boxing and fencing. Of all the systems that you have maybe looked at what do you think is the most effective background for knife? Accepting that people are different and there are many approaches, is there a common denominator that you would have? I haven't seen Karl Tanswells STAB programme but I do know of people who have recommended it. I believe he comes from a more Greco roman approach to his knife defence. Pat Davies -----Original Message----- Message: 7 Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:40:03 -0800 (PST) From: Phil Elmore Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Re: Knife DVD's To: Reply-To: Speaking (hopefully) objectively, I don't think my review is really positive *or* negative -- it's a fairly neutral account of the contents of the tapes --__--__-- Message: 2 From: To: Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 13:35:41 -0000 Subject: [Eskrima] Help! This may not work Re: Padded Sticks Reply-To: Hi all For the full contact stick competitions we do at the Bob Breen Academy in London, we use 'Tufstix' which you can view at They can be used with only eye protection, and I think the risk of pain/injury involved is just right. By this I mean your forearms tend to change colour rather than snap. Mine has lasted quite some time too. This is for those of us with a human threshold of pain and injury, unlike at the Gatherings of the Pack - where at some point I expect to see a video clip of people with iron bars and no protection whatsoever. Peace and respect and to all on the list Jules. Internet communications are not secure and therefore the Barclays Group does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Although the Barclays Group operates anti-virus programmes, it does not accept responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Barclays Group. Replies to this email may be monitored by the Barclays Group for operational or business reasons. --__--__-- Message: 3 Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 14:37:40 +0000 From: To: Subject: [Eskrima] RE: SoftStix Reply-To: Hi Alex, >Has anyone tried the softstix? I have seen them on the web but haven't used them before.< I haven't tried them, but I was shown a flyer for them on one FMA seminar, and the list of things "not to hit them against" was, extensive!! I got the impression that they wouldn't hold up to a lot of rough useage and were mainly for largo mano work where really you were targeting the hand ort kneecaps and thats about all. If thats what you are after, then go for them. Bill --__--__-- Message: 4 From: "Stovall, Craig" To: Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 08:45:30 -0600 Subject: [Eskrima] Silat Zulfikari Reply-To: I checked out their website. Interesting... I noticed they have some connections to William Sanders (or at least did a seminar with him). I was wondering...has anyone here ever had any dealings with William Sanders? Anyone care to offer any thoughts, opinions, or stories? Feel free to contact offline. Opinions I've gathered on this gentleman seem to be...mixed. Just looking for the straight dope agenda. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This email transmission contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entities named above. If this email was received in error or if read by a party which is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error or are unsure whether it contains confidential or privileged information, please immediately notify us by email or telephone. You are instructed to destroy any and all copies, electronic, paper or otherwise, which you may have of this communication if you are not the intended recipient. Receipt of this communication by any party shall not be deemed a waiver of any legal privilege of any type whatsoever as such privilege may relate to the sender. --__--__-- Message: 5 Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 07:39:25 -0800 (PST) From: Phil Elmore Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Re: Knife DVD's To: Reply-To: I don't believe there's any one art that's inherently better or worse as a foundation for knife applications (I mean, how complicated does using a knife need to be?), but certainly FMA is (are) well suited to it. Opinions vary regarding the viability of applying fencing techniques to short blades. Again, a dueling context varies greatly from a "knife self-defense" approach, though. Phil Patrick Davies wrote: I notice on the review that the underlying training comes from Filipino, Boxing and fencing. Of all the systems that you have maybe looked at what do you think is the most effective background for knife? Accepting that people are different and there are many approaches, is there a common denominator that you would have? I haven't seen Karl Tanswells STAB programme but I do know of people who have recommended it. I believe he comes from a more Greco roman approach to his knife defence. Pat Davies -----Original Message----- Message: 7 Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:40:03 -0800 (PST) From: Phil Elmore Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Re: Knife DVD's To: Reply-To: Speaking (hopefully) objectively, I don't think my review is really positive *or* negative -- it's a fairly neutral account of the contents of the tapes _______________________________________________ Eskrima mailing list, 1800 members Copyright 1994-2004: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource Standard disclaimers apply -------------- - Phil Elmore --__--__-- Message: 6 Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 08:10:58 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time) From: "Todd Ellner" To: Subject: [Eskrima] Re: the rules Reply-To: Hey, Marc. There's some overlap, but it was a different set overall. A few came from his days training with Guru Plinck in Washington. Some came from discussions on the Zulfikar mailing list a couple months ago. A bunch of them are expressed in much different ways than Steve would express them. --__--__-- Message: 7 From: "Fred O" To: Subject: RE: [Eskrima] Actionflex and Softstix Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 15:57:41 +0000 Reply-To: From: "Alex Ercia" To: Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 12:49:12 -0800 Subject: [Eskrima] Actionflex and Softstix Reply-To: Has anyone tried the softstix? I have seen them on the web but haven't used them before. Alex Alex, I have Softix. I think that they are a great product. Thay last sometime and they get my students banged up. They do require some maintenance, especially in the desert where I live, to keep them from cracking. Other than that I like them very much, personal choice.I will be looking into Actionflex, some friends of mine use them and they swear by them and they tell me they are PMCS free. Fred C. O'Keefe The cowards never started- and the weak died along the way ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Find great local high-speed Internet access value at the MSN High-Speed Marketplace. --__--__-- Message: 8 From: "Ric Gardea" To: Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 11:22:47 -0700 Subject: [Eskrima] Re: Action Flex Reply-To: The 1/2 in. PVC with pipe padding works really well. What we also do is rap the entire length with Duct tape (can be bought really cheap) making the stick a little more durable, and giving it some extra "sting." _________________________________________________________________ Find high-speed net deals comparison-shop your local providers here. --__--__-- Message: 9 From: Ray Terry To: (Eskrima) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 16:52:28 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Eskrima] The Goliath Reply-To: Re western sword work, two links of interest regarding the Goliath manuscript. -and- Ray Terry --__--__-- Message: 10 From: "Ron Balicki" To: Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 01:02:07 +0000 Subject: [Eskrima] Cold Steel's DVD's Reply-To: Mark Ward's comments about Lynn Thompson's Knife DVD's exhibit the heights of bad taste and foolishness. Calling Lynn a nincompoop is just low class. I myself am very good friends with Lynn Thompson and I think that he is absolutely right on with most of what he says about the knife industry. If you knew the man you would know that he is meticulous about his knives, their designs and performance. Lynn puts his name on that and severely tests all of his products and lays the tests out before the whole world. He is also a pretty good knife fighter. I read Lynn your post and his reply was a light chuckle. He said that there are only thing two things he wants the knife fighters out there to know; he has great respect for the Dog Brothers and what they are doing for the Kali community, and he promises to keep his products coming at the highest standard. What I think Mr. Ward should do is watch the video before slamming them to others. Only a "nincompoop" would make claims about the quality of a set of videos without actually seeing them first! Mark, do you like "Pepsi" over "Coke"? Do you think "All" cleans better than "Tide"? How about "Crest" being recommended more than all the other tooth paste's out there by dentists. It is Cold Steels prerogative to go after knife companies if he feels he has a better product. If he is telling lies than I am sure those companies will let their Lawyers know about it. Then Cold Steel will need some "Advil", because more doctors recommend it over Aspirin. I think that Lynn Thompson and Cold Steel have something fantastic to offer. If it's not for you then so be it. But you are missing out on a great product. Before you dismiss it, look at it. Watch the videos. See how Lynn makes what I consider the finest knives on the market. If you then feel the same, I respect your opinion. Ron Balicki > >"Mark F. Ward" wrote: >I hate to delurk with something like this, but I feel Lynn Thompson is, >well, a nincompoop. His behavior and questionable statements concerning a >past Dog Brothers gathering can be found in the archives of this very list, >and his propensity for badmouthing his competitors is well known in the >industry. > >I have never seen his instructional videos, and Phil's review seems pretty >positive. However, I think one's money is better spent somewhere other than >Cold Steel. > >Just my $0.02, hoping I avoid a libel suit... > >mfw > >Mark F. Ward _________________________________________________________________ Optimize your Internet experience to the max with the new MSN Premium Internet Software. --__--__-- _______________________________________________ Eskrima mailing list Old digest issues available @ Copyright 1994-2004: Ray Terry,, Standard disclaimers apply. Remember September 11. End of Eskrima Digest