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Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 18:27:02 -0800 From: Subject: Eskrima digest, Vol 10 #393 - 9 msgs X-Mailer: Mailman v2.0.13.cisto1 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain To: Errors-To: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.13.cisto1 Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-Reply-To: X-Subscribed-Address: List-Id: Eskrima-FMA discussion forum, the premier FMA forum on the Internet. List-Post: List-Subscribe: , List-Unsubscribe: , List-Help: Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: Send Eskrima mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Eskrima digest..." <<---- The Sudlud-Inayan Eskrima/Kali/Arnis/FMA mailing list ---->> Serving the Internet since June 1994. Copyright 1994-2003: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource The Internet's premier discussion forum devoted to Filipino Martial Arts. 1700 members. Provided in memory of Mangisursuro Michael G. Inay (1944-2000). See the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) FAQ and the online search engine for back issues of the Eskrima/FMA list at Mabuhay ang eskrima! Today's Topics: 1. cass magda seminar - long island (rob mulligan) 2. garimot seminars (tim) 3. Thoughts on the Sparring Against the Whip (Mike aka Shugendo) 4. Re: tasers (Steve Ames) 5. TASR (Marc Denny) 6. Re: Is FMA effective? (barry meadows) 7. surgery tomorrow/Thur (Ray Terry) 8. FMA effectiveness (Q) 9. Tom Meadows (steve kohn) --__--__-- Message: 1 From: "rob mulligan" To:, Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 10:34:38 -0500 Subject: [Eskrima] cass magda seminar - long island Reply-To: Guru Cass Magda will be on Long Island doing a Kali/JKD/Silat seminar November 15th and 16th. The hours are 10am to 4 pm both days and space is limited. The location is: Phoenix Martial Arts, 344 Jericho Turnpike, Floral Park, NY, 11001. For more info, call Sifu Greg Pichardo at 516-437-7132 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MSN Shopping upgraded for the holidays! Snappier product search... --__--__-- Message: 2 Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 07:55:12 -0800 (PST) From: tim To: Subject: [Eskrima] garimot seminars Reply-To: i recently attended the garimot seminar in chicago, and it was great. i was only able to attend one day, but we covered a good range: the cinco teros largo mano philosophy, disarms (both in largo and corto), knife redirecting drills, knife disarms, the hand strikes and kicks of harimaw buno, clinches and takedowns. if you haven't trained with gat puno baet, you really should attend a seminar or visit him in florida. if you have trained with him, then i don't have to tell you, you'll already be looking forward to the next one. try to catch the fma weekend in wisconsin this weekend- unfortunately, i won't be able to. lastly, gat puno baet will be in st. louis november 22-23 for a seminar- a sort of last stop on his recent 'midwest tour' of the past couple months. it'll be at: apex training center 19b vance road st. louis, mo 63088 saturday and sunday from 10-4, with an hour lunch break. check out or call apex at 636.861.1585 for more details. or, you can send e-mail to for more information. tim __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --__--__-- Message: 3 From: "Mike aka Shugendo" To: Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 16:21:34 +0000 Subject: [Eskrima] Thoughts on the Sparring Against the Whip Reply-To: I believe the video segment you are talking about is between Eric Knaus and Tom (Whip Boy) Meadows. My understanding of the segment (from Tom many years ago) was that Eric and Tom had a 'gentlemens agreement' that Tom wouldn't blitz Eric's headgear with the whip when he entered and that Eric wouldn't pound on Tom if he got in clean. The resulting video shows Eric entering smoothly and unscathed... Marc would know more about this than I do and I'm sure Eric could comment on what it feels like to walk in on the whip. BW - I think Tom's 4-foot whip is considerably faster than the 6-foot whip that he used on the video... For the rest of the mortals out there let me toss a couple scenarios out there for you. You initiate your 'I'm timing the cracks entry' against the whip and: 1) You make it in, only to be met by the dagger you didn't see in the guys left hand... would you like fries with that? 2) You make it in, only to find out (too late) that the whip makes a great garote and short stick... would you like some ice, that looks nasty? 3) You start to enter, only to be driven back by 3-5 cracks (breaking the sound barrier) directed at your face... I hear that Target is having a sale on 'tightie-whities', you might want to pick some up. 4) You start to enter, only to get cut to the bone by the whip ... I know a great plastic surgeon, he just did some work on Evander Hollyfield, maybe you've heard of him? 5) You start to enter and think better of the whole deal... and you buy the 'Whip Boy' a beer or three and become friends. BTW - Yes, I am having a little fun with you guys... I practice and teach the whip (under Tom Meadows and the Sayoc's) and have experienced all of the above. I even have a cataract in one eye to prove that I'm a 'real whipping boy'! :P Michael A. Krivka Training Director, Martial Arts Koncepts Phone: 301/404-2571 _________________________________________________________________ Great deals on high-speed Internet access as low as $26.95. (Prices may vary by service area.) --__--__-- Message: 4 Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 12:05:27 -0500 From: Steve Ames To: Subject: Re: [Eskrima] tasers Reply-To: On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:29:57AM -0500, wrote: > Hi all, > Hope that helps. Yep! Excellent first hand accounts and backup info. Very useful. I really have to push harder to get some time with one of these toys. I always try to steer women away from the stungun as self defence based on experience. But I find the lack of experience with higher end (Law Enforcement Only) models a gap in my education :) Even if you have the Law Enforcement model I don't think I'd trust it for self defence. Do you get more than one shot? Missing would be unfortunate. Mutliple attacker scenario also doesn't play very well. > PS, the civilian models are worthless and will probably just piss > off whoever you use it on, but they are fun at parties. Indeed! :) -Steve --__--__-- Message: 5 From: "Marc Denny" To: Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 09:12:16 -0800 Subject: [Eskrima] TASR Reply-To: Woof All: Wrt Tasers, the stock of the company, symbol TASR, has TRIPLED in just three months, and gone up 1200% in one year. Yip! Crafty Dog --__--__-- Message: 6 From: "barry meadows" To: Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Is FMA effective? Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 22:26:47 +0000 Reply-To: Find an art and have fun.Enjoy it.Live it. If its like work or someting you "have to do" forget it it wont last. As to the Ultimate martial art.....everyone knows the UMA is from planet X. Telepathicly paralizing your adversay(s) Of corse not many teach it. Send me $200 and Ill send you the first leason in written form. Barry >From: "Bobster" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [Eskrima] Is FMA effective? >Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 02:24:02 -0800 > >Hi Gaby. > > >"But I began to see that this art is evoluating every year and like bjj >martial artist are directed toward this art, why?"< > >Well, most other martial arts are based around empty handed combat, with >weaponry thrown in as a sort of side-dish. You hear it time and again: "No >one would really use a Sai/Bo/Katana/Nunchakun on the street, but we can >use >it to enhance our empty hand technique". Most FMA are based around the use >& >defense against weapons, particularly the stick & knife. Very few arts >really offer realistic defenses against these weapons. Also, FMA strives >toward a flow-based environment (I can't explain this term in a few simple >paragraphs, but if you find a FMA teacher, he will know what I am referring >to here!), with an emphasis on dynamic footwork & body english, as opposed >to the stances & static forms of other "traditional" styles. > > >"I would like to know from you how much this art is effective in the >street, in hand to hand?"< > >Very, but don't take my word for it. Walk down an ordinary street in your >neighborhood, & imagine yourself in a violent situation. Look around you: >How many objects & environmental appendages can you convert immediately to >your defense? Does anything look like a Sai to you? However, a stick, a >rock, a car antennae, shoelaces, the metal flag from a mailbox, these are >all adaptable to FMA. Also, in the event you can't get to a weapon, the >empty hand motion is complimentary to the weapon motion, the only things >that change are the range, body english & footwork. In other words, you >will >usually change very little in your approach when you are fighting empty >handed. > > >"about weapon do you think there is other styles which are better in >weapon >(stick and knife) than FMA."< > >I wouldn't say that FMA is the-all, end-all of weapon combat, but you would >be hard-pressed to find an art that encompasses so broad a spectrum. Also, >the approach to empty handed defense against weapons is radically different >and much more effective than anything else I've seen. If you get the >chance, >train in Pentjak Silat as well. The two styles go hand-in-hand, and seem to >be made for each other. The style of flow in both arts promotes fluidity & >economy of motion. > > >"do you think if someone study FMA alone he will be a complete >streetfighter or he should study style like hapkido, >kenpo,taekwondo, >FMA to be a complete streetfighter?"< > >You don't need to study ANYTHING to be a streetfighter...Just go fight! >Assuming you don't get killed or smeared beyond recognition, you will >eventually learn all you need to from simply fighting. It's always smart to >study a variety of styles, to give yourself a broader range of experience >and to gain many different points of view. However, if you are looking to >just become a streetfighter, my best suggestion is to find a boxing gym. It >works as well as anything. Joaquin Torres brings up an interesting point >about making the art WORK for you. (His entire post was excellent...Looks >like I've paraphrased alot of it!). This is the best advice anyone can give >you in your search: How much of your time and effort are you willing to put >into your training? 25%? 50%? 100%? ANYTHING could be deadly, depending on >how much training the practitioner devotes to it. There is no "Ultimate >Art". > >Bobbe Edmonds >Edmonds Martial Arts Academy > >"The biggest sword, and the toughest armor do NOT insure victory. The hawk >is safer than the turtle." > -Dune >_______________________________________________ >Eskrima mailing list, 1700 members > >Copyright 1994-2003: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource >Standard disclaimers apply > _________________________________________________________________ MSN Shopping upgraded for the holidays! Snappier product search... --__--__-- Message: 7 From: Ray Terry To: (Eskrima) Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 17:22:49 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Eskrima] surgery tomorrow/Thur Reply-To: Going in for shoulder surgery tomorrow/Thursday. This is my third, but I only have two shoulders. Wonder what is going on here... :) The list may be slow for a day, two at most. Ray Terry --__--__-- Message: 8 Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 18:28:08 -0800 (PST) From: Q To: Subject: [Eskrima] FMA effectiveness Reply-To: The biggest problem I see with FMA effectiveness once you leave the typical FMA structure as taught in the So Cal area is that there is a lack of ability of the principles to be able to translate from empty-hand to weapon and to use environmental cues as makeshift weapons. Thankfully more artists in So Cal are "complete" since the idea of cross training is more the rule than exception. However the vast majority still lack the ability to use environmental cues and general survival awareness basically sucks. Today talking on your cell phone is the modern equivalent of sticking your nose in a book and walking down the street. Anyone really interested in self-defense needs to emphasize a non-martial art that starts with paying attention. Carlton H. Fung, D.D.S. 4305 Torrance Blvd., Suite 102 Torrance, Ca. 90503 310-371-2337 270-918-6873fax Cosmetic General Dentistry --__--__-- Message: 9 From: "steve kohn" To: Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 02:41:31 +0000 Subject: [Eskrima] Tom Meadows Reply-To: I've studied whip under Tom Meadows and Anthony DeLongis. If Anthony's style is like Jazz, Tom's is more like Rock n Roll! Tom has Balistic style for sure. Damn fast with a short whip (4 feet). If you get a chance, check him out. Best, Steve Kohn >From: Ray Terry >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [Eskrima] Re: Bullwhips >Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 21:06:20 -0800 (PST) > >If Master Tom Meadows has come out of retirement, he is your best bet on >whip info. He is perhaps the single best whip stylist in the FMAs. > >Ray Terry > >_______________________________________________ >Eskrima mailing list, 1700 members > >Copyright 1994-2003: Ray Terry and Martial Arts Resource >Standard disclaimers apply > _________________________________________________________________ MSN Messenger with backgrounds, emoticons and more. --__--__-- _______________________________________________ Eskrima mailing list Old digest issues available @ Copyright 1994-2003: Ray Terry,, Standard disclaimers apply. Remember September 11. End of Eskrima Digest